Empowering Diversity Through Inclusive Hiring Solutions

People with Disabilities (PWD) or rather as our CEO says, PD (People with Determination) program, where we are dedicated to creating a more inclusive and accessible workforce. We firmly believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in the professional world. Our program proactively connects talented PWD candidates with corporations, providing them with the support and resources they need.

Our Approach:

Our PWD program operates on several key principles

Candidate Empowerment:​

Employability Workshops: We offer workshops that equip PWD candidates with the skills and confidence required to excel in their chosen career paths.

Mentorship Opportunities: We connect candidates with experienced mentors who provide guidance and support throughout their professional journey.

Career Counseling: Our experts provide tailored career guidance to help candidates identify and pursue their goals.

Corporate Collaboration:

DEI Training: We offer comprehensive training to corporate teams, helping them understand the value of hiring PWD candidates and creating an inclusive workplace.

Recruitment Solutions: We bridge the gap between PWD candidates and corporations, facilitating employment opportunities.

Accessibility Services: We assist companies in making their workplaces and processes more accessible, including accessibility testing and recommendations.

Employee Training: We provide training to corporate employees to enhance their awareness and understanding of PWD needs and accommodations.

Community Engagement:

PWD Inclusion Events: We organize events, seminars, and webinars to foster awareness and understanding of the PWD community.

Resource Hub: Our platform offers a wide range of resources, from best practices to legal guidelines, for those advocating for PWD rights.


Dhruv, a Collaborative Social Responsibility which empowers PWD, champions DEI, upholds ESG, and fuels CSR impact


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